5 Ways to Exercise Your Dog When It’s Cold Outside
By Caitlyn Gose
As the weather becomes cooler, it is typical that your dog isn’t getting as much exercise as usual. Exercise is essential for both you and your dog’s overall health and wellbeing!
We get it though, it’s cold outside! Sometimes our dogs don’t even want to stay out in the cooler weather. However, it’s still important for you and your pup to get movement during the day, even when it’s cold.
Keep reading for tips and ideas about how to get exercise with your dog when it’s too cold outside.
1. Have a Go on the Treadmill
It is possible to teach your dog to walk on the treadmill (if you have one)! This is a great way to make sure both you and your dog get a good amount of exercise if it’s too cold outside.
Some dogs may even like to run on the treadmill once they get used to it, just make sure to always keep an eye on your dog while they’re on it.
Here at Adeo Pets, we sell the DogPACER Folding Dog Treadmill (pictured below). It is a perfect option if you want to get a treadmill specifically for your dog. You can look at the treadmill here: https://www.adeopets.com/products/dogpacer-folding-dog-treadmill-lf-31.
2. Run Up & Down the Stairs
If you’re looking for a leg workout, here it is! Have your dog follow you up and down the stairs… over and over and over. Your legs will be sore and your dog will have gotten a great workout too!
Make it even more fun by playing fetch up and down the stairs. Or even racing your dog to the top or bottom. Make it a great time, just because you’re inside doesn’t mean you can’t have fun!
3. Play a Normal Game of Fetch
Fetch has and always will be a dog’s favorite game. Whether you play it indoors or outdoors, it will still be fun! Plus it’s a great way for your dog to get the exercise they need for the day.
Grab your dog’s favorite fetch toy and throw it down the hallway, up the stairs, or wherever there is a lot of clear space to run. You will both get a good workout and have a fun time trying to race to the toy.
4. Train Your Dog to Walk On/Off a Leash
Being stuck indoors for a long period of time can be great for learning new tricks! If your dog doesn’t walk well on a leash or doesn’t know how to walk off-leash, use this time to teach them!
Not only will they learn something new, but they will also get a workout by walking back and forth repeatedly. Practice walking or running down the hall with them, rewarding them with treats when they do good.
Then in the warmer months you can take your new skills on daily walks, trips to the park, and so on!
5. Play Hide and Seek
A fun way to pass the time and get a good workout in, is by playing a game of hide and seek with your dog. Go to a room quickly, find a hiding spot, then whistle or call your dog’s name until they find you!
This is a game you can play repeatedly to have fun, and it’s good for your dog’s mind to search for you. Once they find you, reward them with a treat and do it all over again. Until you feel like the both of you have gotten a good amount of exercise.
Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you and your dog should stop getting exercise! You can have just as much fun indoors as you can outdoors if you try.
Play a game of fetch, run on the treadmill, play hide and seek, do something to keep you and your dog active while you’re locked indoors! You should get at least 30 minutes of physical exercise every day, and so should your dog!

Caitlyn is a painter, bookworm, and freelance writer from Southwest Michigan. She comes to Adeo Pets with the desire to teach others about pet safety and health. She has a deep love for animals and wants pet parents to have all the answers they are looking for! Check out her work at www.cgosecopywrite.com.
- Dec 15, 2022
- in Pet Blog