Pets Are Not Gifts For The Holidays!
By Caitlyn Gose

Once the festivities are over, many pets that were given as gifts will become unwanted–especially the ones that weren’t expected and gifted as a surprise.
Pets Are A Long Term Commitment
Pets aren’t toys or objects that can be ignored once the fun is over. They are living beings that are experiencing life just like us, and they have needs that need to be met in order to survive.
Making sure they will be loved, cared for, given attention, given a healthy diet, and taken to the vet are some things to think about before gifting. Even things such as a yard to run around or a nice home and family to be given to are things to take into consideration.
Getting a pet is a big decision in the first place, that sometimes takes a long time to think about. They are a living being that can live up to 20+ years, depending on the species. That’s a long time if the pet is not wanted!
Pets Are Not Good Surprise Gifts
The last thing a family needs is for a family member to surprise-gift their child a pet.
It would probably look something like this:
Aunt: “I got you a surprise… Meet your new puppy, Lucy!”
Mom of Child: “Uh, WHAT?!
Aunt: “Come on, she’s been wanting a puppy for so long now.
Mom of Child: “That’s a whole new responsibility on its own! We can’t keep it. I don’t have time for a puppy!”
Great, now the child, aunt, AND mom are all upset!
Pets need to be discussed and thought about. If you are gifting a pet, make sure to talk to the person who will be responsible for it first. Nobody wants to be surprised by a pet and then have to re-home it, or think of it as a burden everytime it needs to be fed.
The best thing to do is not give a pet as a gift at all. There are many other things that can be given as gifts. Things that aren’t living and don’t have feelings.
Pets Are A Continual Cost
Pets aren't a one time payment, they are a big investment! They are going to need food, a bed, toys, medications, vet visits, groomed, and so on. You get the point.
Pets cost a lot of money, and if given as a gift, that family might not have the extra money to care for something such as a pet.
They are also a continual cost to your time. They are going to need to go outside, go on walks, given love, fed, and bathed. These things take time out of your day! Many people work long hours and wouldn’t have time for a pet as it is.
As you have read, pets are NOT good gifts! There is a lot to discuss before taking on the commitment and responsibility of a pet, such as the cost of the pet or if they will be cared for properly. It’s not fair to the animal to be passed around and not given the love and loyalty it deserves.
All in all, pets make bad gifts if not talked about beforehand. They are a huge responsibility that many people don’t have time or money for, and they deserve to be given to a home that will love and care for them unconditionally!

Caitlyn is a painter, bookworm, and freelance writer from Southwest Michigan. She comes to Adeo Pets with the desire to teach others about pet safety and health. She has a deep love for animals and wants pet parents to have all the answers they are looking for! Check out her work at www.cgosecopywrite.com.
- Dec 01, 2022
- in Pet Blog