Top 9 Items To Pack When Road Tripping With Dogs
By Caitlyn Gose
Road tripping with your dog(s) is going to take a lot of work and preparation on your behalf, but your dog will have the best time of their life! They will be so grateful that they get to tag along and explore new places with their human.
With that being said, road tripping with dogs takes extra time and preparation. Making sure your furry friend has everything they need for this trip, including their toys!
Here are the top 9 items to pack when road tripping with your dog(s):
Seat Covers
I’m pretty sure we can all agree that if you’re going on a road trip with your dog(s), bringing a seat cover is necessary. Not only do they protect your seats from dirt and hair, but they also protect your seats from getting cut or ripped. Your furry friend(s) have nails that can rip car seats up rather quickly.
Making sure to bring a seat cover will ensure that the seats in your car stay tear free and looking new.
First Aid-Kit
When going on a trip with your dog(s), the last thing you want to happen is sickness or injury. Many people keep an emergency kit for humans in their car, so when traveling with animals have a kit for them as well.
You can either purchase premade pet first aid-kits, or you can make your own. If making your own, make sure to have the basics: gauze rolls & bandages, cotton swabs, instant cold pack, tweezers, thermometer, hydrogen peroxide, and an antibiotic ointment.
Safe Travel Crates
When traveling long distances, or when your travel includes things such as flying, it is important to bring a safe travel crate. In case of a crash or accident, you want to ensure your pets safety the best you can.
Here at Adeo Pets we carry the only crash rated dog crates, by MIM Safe. MIM Safe has been dedicated to safe travel since 1986 and makes an increadibly safe and secure dog crate. They are crash tested and engineered specifically for safety. Your dogs deserve to travel as safely as you do.
You can view them HERE
If you’ve ever been on a long road trip, you know how boring it can get in the car. Make sure your dog(s) have toys they can play with to keep them entertained.
It doesn’t have to be crazy toys either, just a fun chew toy and maybe a blanket or pillow will do. Something for them to play with, and something that smells like home. Basically anything that will keep their minds occupied for a long period of time.
Travel Water Dispenser
Whether you’re in the car for a long time or on a hike, it’s important to have either a travel water dispenser or collapsible dog bowl. You never know when you’ll need to stop and give your dog(s) a drink of water!
Keeping your dog(s) hydrated is super important to their health. Make sure they are drinking water regularly, especially on long road trips!
Pet ID Tags
Always make sure to have your dog(s) ID tags on them when bringing them on a road trip. If there was a situation where they got away and didn’t have their tags on them, that could be very scary and devastating.
Better safe than sorry, keep the tags on the dog(s)!
Pooper Scooper/Poop Bags
If you’re going on a road trip and bringing your dog(s), you’re more than likely going to stop at rest stops to go to the bathroom. Maybe even hiking trails and parks. If your dog goes number two, you don’t want to be that person who leaves it there!
Poop bags are a necessity when traveling with dogs. Always make sure you have a hefty supply!
Extra Collar & Leash
In the instance that your dog’s leash or collar breaks, you’d want a new one rather quickly! Especially if you were out doing some outdoor activity when it happened.
If you want to be extra prepared, having an extra leash and collar on hand might be a good idea! Especially if your dog likes to wander.
Pet Bed/Something Soft
On a road trip your dog will be sleeping an awful lot, so you want to make sure they are comfy! It doesn’t have to necessarily be a “bed” either. Even a pillow or blanket will do. Something soft, so they feel more comfortable and can get good sleep.
Road tripping with dogs takes extra preparation and it’s more stuff to lug around, but it’s well worth it! Your dog(s) will enjoy every second of it and will probably sleep well for a couple days.
Making sure to stay prepared and have these 9 things on hand will help ensure your road trip goes safe & smoothly. Have fun and be safe!
About the Author

Caitlyn is a painter, bookworm, and freelance writer from Southwest Michigan. She comes to Adeo Pets with the desire to teach others about pet safety and health. She has a deep love for animals and wants pet parents to have all the answers they are looking for! Check out her work at www.cgosecopywrite.com.
- Aug 01, 2022
- in Pet Blog