Make Your Dog's Crate Comfortable
Dogs are instinctively den animals and a kennel is a very normal and necessary part of their lives. It’s our job as owners to ensure our dog’s kennel should is safe and comfortable space where they can go to relax and feel secure. A bare kennel isn’t exactly the most inviting or comforting environment for your fury friend. Here are a few of our top tips for making your dog’s kennel a comfy and safe space they will love to go.
Make sure crate the correct size
Your pup should be able to stand up, turn around, and stretch out comfortably in his crate. However. bigger is not always better. A kennel that is too large may allow your dog to do his business in one corner, and we don’t want that.
Have good bedding
Good bedding or flooring is important for your dog. You want something soft so he/she is not laying on the hard or metal ground of the crate, however you don’t want it too fluffy (think comforter) that it becomes something to chew. A simply soft pad will work great and let your dog relax, which is a big reason why they are in there.
Include a toy or two in the crate
Dogs often enjoy napping in their kennels, but it’s a good idea to include one or two toys for him to play with while you’re gone. Using a toy that he is familiar with can help him be comfortable and gives him something to do if he finds himself getting bored or a bit anxious.
Get good exercise when not in the crate
This may sound strange to put in a post about crates, but exercise is an important part of making sure your dog does well in a crate. No matter what you do to make a kennel comfortable, a dog who isn’t getting enough exercise will be uncomfortable in a kennel when he really wants to stretch his legs and run or go for a long walk. Giving your dog plenty of exercise will help your dog’s kennel feel like a restful safe place instead of a tiny prison. For more info on proper exercise for your dog check out our post on there HERE. Or if you're short on time check our line of dogPACER treadmills for your dog:
Keep the temperature comfortable
Make sure the kennel isn’t in a location where your dog will get overly hot or cold. You can place a fan nearby if your home gets hot during the day and consider a small space heater if the kennel is in a chilly corner of your home. Make sure the kennel is not in direct sunlight for long periods of time as this can overhead a dog even in a cool room. Another thing to consider is noise; its preferable to have your kennel in an area that is not too loud (think washing machine, furnace or other mechanical items in your home).
Include a chew
If your dog is a chew or biter consider adding a chewable treat. A bully stick or something similar for your dog to chew on while you’re away can help him get threw a little boredom without getting in trouble. Consider having a “kennel specific” chew, your dog will quickly associate the kennel with a tasty treat and soon he’ll be looking forward to the crate being a happy, tasty, place.
We hope this helps give you some ideas on how to make your dogs kennel a home for them. Remember, never use your kennel as a punishment for your dog, it should be a place to go for peace. If you would like to read more on kennel training your dog you can find a blog post dedicated to there HERE.
- Sep 01, 2020
- in Pet Blog